Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Election Night

It's happening : We're poised for a Democratic takeover in at least the Congress tonight.

Katherine Harris - the woman who was one of the key enablers (as Secretary of State in Florida) of Bush's "win" in the 2000 presidential election lost her campaign for the Senate seat in Florida. Miserably.

Joe Lieberman - aka Fox News's favorite Democrat unfortunately won election in Connecticut after being defeated in his primary election and then running as an independent. I would personally rather have a honest Republican in the CT Senate seat than this turncoat.

Out west, I'm excited by the prospect of Jon Tester winning the Senate seat in Montana and defeating a firefighter-hating opponent.

Great news just now from my home state, with Maria Cantwell knocking off Mike! McGavick in the Washington Senate race. McGavick's DUI didn't help his cause out.

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